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Christina på TV ikväll!

WoT är High/Epic Fantasy. Bara för att den serien är ett typexempel på modern populär fantasy behöver väl inte betyda att all fantasy ska vara som WoT?
The Encyclopedia of Fantasy tar i alla fall upp Mumin som fantasy...

"TJ's novels are deceptively mild: it is easy to mispercieve them as bland or harmless. Nothing could be further from the truth. In the Moomin world there are darkness and fear, loneliness and exposure. There are the totally alient hatti-fatteners, truly alive only when electrically charged; there is the Groke, a totally evil being; there are Snufkin, the unpredictable anarchist who refuses ever to be tied down, and a host of others."

"The Moomin series comprises an imaginative feat of depth and complexity. The quiet animism, the lyrical portrayals of nature and of natural phenomena, the subtle shifts in reality and the constant presence of strange and incomprehensible mysteries are all effortlessly integrated into a world that is superficially simple and comfortable."

-John-Henri Holmberg (från Encyclopedia of fantasy).

Namn: Steinman
Tid: 18:23
Datum: 2001/07/01