Excuse me...
May I have your attention please...
Will the real Lord Dragon please stand up?
I repeat, will the real Lord Dragon please stand up?
We're gonna have a problem here...
Y'all acting like you never seen a male channler before,
Lashin' fireballs to the floor,
Like me at Sammael when I burst through the door,
and started whooping his ass through Shadar Logoth and more.
And it's the return of the,
"Aw...wait...no wait...
he didn't just do what that guy said he did did he?"
And LTT says,
Nothin', you idiot!
LTT's dead!
He's locked up in my head! Haha,
All the lords and ladies love me, they say,
"yada yada yada yada,
What's with this Rand al'Thor, I'm sick of him,
always grabbin' for you know what,
weaving a you know who.
(Yeah, but he's so cute though)
Yeah, I've probably got a couple of dragons on my arms to boost,
but it ain't any worse than what's going on with the Whitecloaks in Illian lettin' loose.
Sometimes I wanna go to the Shaido and throw boots,
but I can't,
though it's cool for the Seanchan to chain up Aes Sedai and three-eyed moose,
They're chained up but they missed,
They're chained up but they missed,
And if they're lucky,
My Asha'man won't get pissed,
And that's the message that we're delivering to little kids,
and expecting them not to know what the Prophecies of the Dragon is.
Well, of course they're gonna know when with the course,
and by the time they hit fourth grade,
the seals will be broken, won't they?
The Dark One's not really tangible,
Well, the Trollocs are cannibals,
cut other people open like cantaloupes,
Well if we can ignore seals breaking and the cannibals,
then is there a reason why they won't come to me so we can have some hope?
Well if you feel like I feel, that's the antidote,
Women learn saidar and mote,
Tinkers sing the song and go,
I'm the Lord Dragon
Yes I'm the real Dragon,
All you other false Dragons,
Were just the bandwagon,
So won't the real Lews Therin please stand up,
Please stand up,
Please stand up.
Mazrim Taim was not born on the Dragonmount.
But I was.
So **** him,
and **** you, cause,
You think I give a damn he can't stand me?
Half of me says I should kill him,
and you say he might be Demandry.
"But Rand? What if he is?
Wouldn't that really suck?"
You think I even trust him for the seven hours
it takes just to get here,
so I can shoot a balefire through him and Britney Spears,
He better kneel down to me and say his prayers,
I already put Asmodean on my trust first,
Heard him argue over what he can't do until that shield burst,
Then the little bitch just ran off on me,
"Yeah, he showed you a lot, but he's a pansy, he he"
I oughta send a million Maidens out searching the trees,
to find him and make him go down to me on his knees!
I'm sick of you little Lady and Lord groups,
all you do is ignore me,
so I"m set to destroy you.
And they're's a million of them just like me,
who talk like me,
who channel saidin like me,
Who think like me,
Wanna save the world like me,
They might just be the next best thing, but not quite me!
I'm the Lord Dragon
Yes I'm the real Dragon
All you other false dragons,
Were just the bandwagon,
So won't the real Lews Therin please stand up,
Please stand up,
Please stand up.
Y'all might try to hide behind the things that Sammy and whammy and everyone did,
But I'm just giving you things you can gasp
about in front of your friends in your living room,
The only difference is that I have the balls to say it,
in front of yall, and do something besides pray it,
And I gotta tell you, y'all tryin' to fibulate and manipulate me, well
I gotta plan to save the world better than ninety percent of you do-gooders out there.
Well, that's all good, cause at the rate I'm goin,
By the time I hit thirty,
I'm gonna be the one in front of Shayol Ghul and all,
Channeling through walls and seals and taking a big fall,
my blood dripping all over the black rocks and all,
And out there's the next Lord Dragon somewhere,
the one siezing you in the Power,
making you bow a little lower,
the one throwing Ladies and Lords on their butts,
Screaming, "I don't give a ****,
With his voice down, and saidin pumping it up,
So will the real Lord Dragon please stand up,
With one heron on each palm please stand up,
Like the Defender of the Light,
one more time, loud as you can, how does it go?
I'm the Lord Dragon
Yes I'm the real Dragon
All you other false dragons,
Were just the bandwagon,
So won't the real Lews Therin please stand up,
Please stand up,
Please stand up.
"I guess there's a little Dragon Reborn in all of us."