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Läste detta om spelet

* Features the new 3rd Edition Dungeon & Dragons Rules
* Fully-realized 3D animating character and monster models
* Interactive Environments: push crates, move tables to block doors, smash barrels
* Players create up to 4 characters of a 6-character party
* Action-based Combat system (adjustable by player)
* Multiplay and Singleplay dungeons
* Random dungeon and quest areas
* Non-linear quests
* Over 100 spells
* Characters can go up to 16th level of experience and can cast 8th level spells
* New D&D Monsters and Items

Ok, kanske inget renodlat 3D-spel där man kan zooma ut och in samt snurra runt, men det är definitivt gjort i 3D.

Titta själva på bilderna.


Namn: Balor
Tid: 23:40
Datum: 2001/10/26