Ok, jag vet inte säkert, men boken trycktes i USA i oktober, plus att det handlar om ett spel, inte speciellt vanligt att man läser en sådan bok.
Såhär säger en snubbe (tror jag) om boken.
This book starts off with a bang and doesn't let up. It's got many elements of traditional Sci Fi such as Card's Enders Game and Aliens. While I was leary on a book based on a game at first, I was considerably excited about the game and thought this would be a great introduction. MS and Bungie should be complimented for this fantastic idea of releasing a Novel (Prologue) to the game before it's released. It gives you a good deal of background information and all the events leading up to the moment that the Master Chief, one of the remaining super-soldiers called Spartans, arrives on Halo. Which is obviously where we come in with the game. The choice of Eric Nylund as writer was also wise on MS's and Bungie's part. Nylund is an accomplished Sci Fi Author and defenitely has some legs to write with here. He hooks you in early on in the book and just keeps you with the story the entire time. If your anywhere at all interested in getting Halo for the XBox, you should REALLY look into getting this.