Wizard's Rules
Wizard's First Rule
Chapter 36, Page #397
"People are stupid"
Ok folks. The rule is People are Stupid. The rest of it is explanation of the rule. Please stop sending me e-mails telling me I am wrong. I am not wrong.
Wizard's Second Rule
Chapter 63, Page #634
"The Second Rule is that the greatest harm can result from the best intentions."
Wizard's Third Rule
Chapter 43, Page #360
"Passion rules reason."
Wizard's Fourth Rule
Chapter 41, Page #318
"The Wizard's Fourth Rule, he called it. He said that there was magic in forgiveness, in the Fourth Rule. Magic to heal. In forgiveness you grant, and more so in the forgiveness you receive."
Wizard's Fifth Rule
Chapter 28, Page #205
"Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie."
Wizard's Sixth Rule
Chapter 41, Page #319
"The most important rule there is, the Wizard's Sixth Rule: the only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."