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Tråkigt... ;)

Jag kollade lite på wotmania men kunde inte hitta intervjun, men när jag kollade i genom en av intervjuerna hittade jag detta:

Question (Asked by someone in the audience)
"Can you give us an estimate of how many books are left?"
"Well, I'd like to do it in three, if I can, but I'm not promising anything."
Sorilea's Comments
He had originally thought that the entire series was going to be only about five books, six at the most (That brought a big laugh from the audience, by the way.). He said he has always been overly optimistic about how mach material he can get in any one book. Which immediately sparked a follow up question by the moderator Friday night, "So based on what you just said, can we really believe you when you say 'Only about three more books?'" He basically laughed and said that he'd do his best, but again, was not promising anything.

Alltså kan vi inte vara säkra på hur många böcker det blir. Han kommer förmodligen ha underdrivit... igen...

Namn: Jor
Tid: 21:54
Datum: 2003/06/17