Jupp, porrscener.
Och jag tror inte det spelar någon roll... för... tja... de är allt bra påphittiga.
Ewww, förresten.
Men en hel del saker förbättras i de senare böckerna.
Dialogen, exempelvis.
Hah, jag har sällan skrattat så mycket som när Lucius utbrast till Pandora:
"You slut!"
Väldigt träffande.
Min absoluta favorit är nog ändå Lestat (annars brukar jag oftast hävda David)... Han är så kaxig :D
Här följer en lång lista på saker Lestat sagt, för då och då säger han något som jag minns. Säkert spoilers :(
(Men jag tar i något sånär kronologisk ordning, i alla fall)...
Lestat (till sin spegelbild): ?Well, if it isn?t the vampire Lestat.?
Marius: ?You will obey the rules, won?t you??
Lestat: ?Of course! What are they, by the way? I?ve forgotten.?
Lestat: ?Do you love me now??
Louis: ?Yes.?
Lestat: ?Want to go on a little adventure? Want to break the new rules??
Louis: ?Lestat, there?s almost dawn.?
Lestat: ?There?s almost dawn here.?
Louis (chockerat): ?Lestat!?
Lestat (samma tonfall): ?Louis!?
Lestat (till Louis): ?I don?t think anyone will ever say it quite like you do. Come on, say it again. I?m a perfect devil. Tell me how bad I am. It makes me feel so good!?
Marius: "You are the damnedest creature! You make me think of the old story about Alexander the Great. He wept when there were no more worlds to conquer. Will you weep when there are no more rules to break?"
Lestat: "Ah, but there are always rules to break."
David: ?Ah, you did come back. Good Lord, but you come and go so quietly!?
Lestat: ?Yes, it's very annoying, isn't it??
Lestat (till David): ?I like people to be a little afraid of me.?
Lestat: ?I'm going out for a little while. Oh, don't worry. I'll be back. I'm thirsting. I have to hunt.?
David: ??.?
Lestat: ?Well, what did you think? ?That I'd given it up??
David: ?No, of course not.?
Lestat: ?Well, then, care to come and watch??
David: ?They could lock you up in a laboratory, study you in a cage of space-age glass.?
Lestat: ?That's impossible. But what an interesting thought.?
David: ?I knew it! You want it to happen.?
Lestat: ?Might be fun for a little while.?
Lestat: ?On my honor as a bloodthirsty murderer, yes.?
Lestat: ?Are those the words Armand used, ?unabashed plea?? I hate Armand.?
David: ?You don't hate Armand and you know you don't.?
Lestat: ?Wanna bet??
Quinn: ?I?m in love with you.?
Lestat: (skrattar) ?Of course you are. I understand perfectly because I?m in love with myself. The fact that I?m not transfixed in front of the nearest mirror takes a great deal of self-control.?
David: "Do you never learn!"
Lestat: "Learn what?"
Lestat: "From memory. We have such good memories. I think some of the others can remember things that never actually happened. Where are we? Oh, my God, I forgot. "
Mona: ?Good God.?
Lestat: ?He?s in Heaven. Don?t let him hear you.?
Hmmm... plötslgit fick jag lust att läsa om böckerna.
Inte bra. Jag är en smula deprimera och vill inte förvärra det.
Borde läsa Pratchett, äta choklad och sitta i solen.
Det brukar hjälpa...