Avsnittet heter "something blue". Om det syftar på att Willow känner sig deppad eller på bröllopet vet jag itne.
Förmodligen förlovningen :D
Willow: Eat a cookie; ease my pain?
Buffy: (tar kakan) Mm. Better?
Willow: Well, baking lifts about 30% of my guilt, but only 7% of my inner turmoil. Guess that'll just take awhile.
Buffy: It'll happen.
Spike: Don't I get a cookie?
Buffy: No.
Spike: Well, I gotta have something. I still have Buffy taste in my mouth.
Buffy: You're a pig, Spike.
Spike: Yeah.. well I'm not the one who wanted, "Wind Beneath My Wings" for the first dance.
Buffy: That was the spell...
Willow: Did I mention about the sorry part?
Buffy: We may be into a forgetting spell later.