Hahaha, tittar/tittade ni på dagens avsnitt?
Spike blir så kärlekskrank på Buffy att han låter tillverka en robot-Buffy att uppfylla hans galna sexfantasier.
Sååå roligt.
öh... det jag SKULLE säga borde jag kanske också nämna... Buffy går fem dagar i veckan nu, bara så ni vet.
Måndag nästa vecka är det det hundrade buffyavsnittet, och det är något alldeles speciellt, så missa inte det.
Och nu, en massa sköna citat från Buffyboten.
BUFFYBOT: I, I wanna hurt you, but I can't resist the sinister attraction of your cold and muscular body.
BUFFYBOT: Darn your sinister attraction.
BUFFYBOT: Spike, I can't help myself. I love you.
SPIKE: You're mine, Buffy.
BUFFYBOT: Should I start this program over?
BUFFYBOT: Vampires of the world, beware.
BUFFYBOT: How is your money?
ANYA: (laughs in surprise) Fine. Thank you for asking. (smiles at Xander)
BUFFYBOT: (smiling) Isn't it a beautiful night for killing evil things?
XANDER: I guess.
ANYA: You're back very early.
XANDER: Yeah, how was the whole vision-quest experience?
BUFFYBOT: I don't understand that question. But thank you for asking.
SPIKE: (OS) Hey! Wait up!
BUFFYBOT: Spike! It's Spike. And he's wearing a *coat*.
SPIKE: Yes. Uh ... hello all.
BUFFYBOT: Hmm. I don't understand this. I-I did the slaying. I should be...
SPIKE: Satisfied?
BUFFYBOT: But I'm not. I-I'm all ... my skin is all hot. Do I look hot to you?
SPIKE: Always.
BUFFYBOT: You better feel me to make sure.
SPIKE: I can do that.
BUFFYBOT: Oh Spike. You're the big bad. You're the BIG bad!
WILLOW: Um ... Buffy, this thing with Spike, i-i-it isn't true, is it? You didn't, you know, sleep with Spike?
BUFFYBOT: No. - I had sex with Spike.
BUFFYBOT: Angel's lame. His hair grows straight up, and he's bloody stupid.
BUFFYBOT: You're my best friend.
WILLOW: Yeah. Again, I ... really am, but...
BUFFYBOT: You're recently gay.
BUFFYBOT: Say, look at you. You look just like me! We're very pretty.
BUFFY: Listen, skirt girl, we are not going to save him. We're going to kill him. He knows who the key is, and there's no way he's not telling Glory.
BUFFYBOT: You're right. He's evil. But you should see him naked. I mean *really*.
Skönaste. Karaktären. Någonsin.
Hon och Spike borde ha fått en egen spinoff serie.