Dagens avsnitt var väldigt våldsamt + hade en sexscen på slutet.
Och de censurerade inte...
Vad har hänt med censureraren? Låtsas att jag bryr mig.
Buffy: Well, that's what you get for attacking a human.
Spike: Yeah. You'd think if the government was gonna put a chip in my head, they'd at least make it so I could attack criminals and that sort.
Buffy: Yes, because muggers deserve to be eaten.
Andrew: You're English, right?
Spike: ...Yeah.
Andrew: I've seen every episode of Doctor Who... Not Red Dwarf, though, 'cause, um...
Jonathan: 'Cause it's not out yet on DVD.
Andrew: Right. It's not out on ... DVD....
Spike: WARREN!!
XANDER: Aha! I got it! Uh, here's our villain right here! ...What?
ANYA: That's a D&D manual, sweetie.
XANDER: No, but it could- Oh.
ANYA: Let's face it, we're not gonna find this thing because it doesn't exist. There's no such thing as a frost monster who eats diamonds.
BUFFY: Well, maybe he doesn't eat them. You know, maybe he just ... thinks they're pretty.
Jag gillar när de nämner D&D. Det brukar bli ganska roligt.