Fantasy Schmantasy.
Jag deklarerar öppna genrer på den här.
Kan vara vad som helst.
Med tanke på vad jag läser, så är det antagligen fantasy (hihi), sf eller skräck.
Scifibokhandeln genrer.
Jag kör den trevlig tre-citat-från-samma-bok-rutinen, för jag tror det här blir svårt.
Hold on. I had hips. Well not really - my baggy-seated jeans always proved otherwise. I mean my anatomical, curve-free hips had movement and feeling. Then legs. Yes! I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and pithced forward onto the floor. Okay, the legs weren't quite back yet. Nice carpet though.
haha.. okej... Nästa!
"I'm just trying to be-"
"Controlling, possessive, overprotective."
"I miss you."
"Nice try. The answer's still no. I can handle this."
Fortfarande för svårt? Oj.
Hoppsan. Borde kanske ha valt "Aurian" istället.
Men, nä. För uppenbart :D
X peered into the cell. "That's her? Th evil ABC? Doesn't look very dangerous to me. I could take her."
Y rolled her eyes. "Unbelievable. One disintergrated door and fire-boy thinks he's king of the demons."
"Boy?" X sputtered. "I'm a year older than you." hoppas jag att någon kommer på det.
Det hoppas jag VERKLIGEN.