Ancalime: Wow, snacka om sammanträffande! Coolt...
För övrigt så har jag hittat youtube-klipp där Jim Butcher pratar en massa om sina böcker. Det bästa är när han förklarar hur han kom på idéen med The Codex Alera...
Någon i publiken: How did you come up with The codex Alera?
Jim Butcher: On a bet. ...What? Oh, I'm sorry, I suppose I'm supposed to tell you I'm brilliant... It came to me in a dream. The angel Raphael turned to me and said: 'You! (jag hör inte riktigt här) and the fires of heaven for inspiration!' No, but, there were a bunch of us online and I was an internet loud-mouth - this sounds like the opening of a mediocre Disney-movie of some kind - but when I was an aspiring writer I was on several different writing lists... [...]
And so it was one of these flame wars that go on... and, and it was me against the many, it was an epic battle!
And a guy finally said, you know what? Why don't you put your money where your mouth is. I'll give you a terrible idea, and you write it into a book and we'll see what happens!
And I said: 'No! You give me TWO terrible ideas!" ... because I was an internet loud-mouth. 'And i'll write it into a book and we'll see what happens!' And he said 'fine!' and I said 'fine!' and he said 'alright, first terrible idea: lost roman legion, I am so sick of lost roman legion, all of the lost roman legions should have been found by now, I'm tired of reading that story.' and I'm like, 'okay, lost roman legion, what's the next one?' and he says: 'Pokémon!"
Bästa hur-en-författare-fick-sin-idé-storyn jag någonsin har hört!
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