Ha, ha! Jo, den delen är verkligen BRA!
"...and to my wife... Well, it`s not your bussnies"
Men jag gillar VERKLIGEN:
"-You do have a name?
-...My name is Gladiator.
-How DEAR you show your back at me?! SLAVE!Removd yor helmet, and tell me your name!
(*djupt andetag*)
-My name is Maximus Deximus Moredimus, Komander of the armé in north, General of the Felix-legions... Lojal servant to the TRUE Emperor -Markus Orealis.
Father to a mördeth (?) son,
husband to a mördteth (?) wife, and I will have my evengment...
In this life or in the next!"
Härliga ord, don`t you think?